Rock Your Resolutions!

8 tips to successfully achieving your goals and resolutions!

Twenty seventeen is just days away, we could probably start counting the hours at this point – and for many, it’s a new beginning looming before us. And whether or not you find a fresh start and motivation with a new year, there’s no denying resolutions are a big thing – let it be the first of January, or in my case May, here are a few tips to rocking your resolutions and achieving your goals.

1. Write it Down.

First and foremost, this is literally the easiest step. Always write your goals down because the greatest satisfaction is crossing something you did off a list, well maybe second to actually achieving your goal.

But more than writing it down, keep it somewhere you’ll see it. On your wall, in your wallet or planner, as the background of your phone, etc. Something you look at fairly frequently.

2017 goals and how to achieve your resolutions

NOTE: while images in this post are form my bullet journal, you do NOT have to use a bullet journal to use the tips in this post!

2. Really want (or need) it.

Sure, I’d love to be a size 6 (hello cute tops!), but honestly, I’m not motivated to put in the work. I’m (mostly) fine with my weight, though I do plan to tone it up a bit this year. However, I am motivated to go on more adventures, read more books and cook more food! And I need to be better about budgeting and saving money.

3. Be Realistic.

I’m the worst about factoring reality into much of anything – especially my dreams. But the reality is, there is a huge difference between “saving an emergency fund” and “save a quarter million dollars”.

I’m still going to stick with nothing is outside the realm of possibility – I could feel lucky one Tuesday afternoon, buy a lottery ticket and wake up a millionaress one morning… but I’m twenty seven, and I’ve felt “lucky” enough to buy a lottery ticket twice – so I’m not counting my hens before they hatch… or however that works out. But realistically, I can save $1,000 dollars.

4. Be Specific.

Define your goals this year. The thing with making things like exercise more, read more, save money, etc. is that there’s really no limit or goal to it. How do you know when you’ve accomplished your goal? How do you know when you need to get a little more serious?

If I went to the gym one time in 2017, I have officially went to the gym “more” than I did in 2016. I wouldn’t exactly call that over achieving. Especially with the cost of gym memberships, I’d call that wasting money.

However – say I want to try a new recipe every week (or 52 recipes), read 50 books, lost 20 pounds, 5 new day destinations, save $1,000, etc. Now we really have goals.

5. Break It Up & Make a PlanGoal and resolution action plan on how to rock your resolutions

Let’s go back to that saving money example, where I said I could save a thousand but probably not a quarter million… remember?

Here is the perfect example of how to save $1,000. Ultimately the goal itself is a decent chunk of change I can’t just throw in savings on Tuesday, I need to add it into my budget.

I can however set up an automatic transfer to take $50 out of each check/$100 a month and by October have achieved my goal. For goals that need more planning, write out a plan. One of my goals is to achieve digital organization, to the right is a quick draft of my action plan to successfully complete the goal.

NOTE: There are a ton of printables and layouts available if you look them up as well, to be honest, organized planning is hard for me, I usually just write a bunch of notes  until I know where I’m going.

6. Deadlines & Reminders

Set deadlines, time tables and reminders to help keep yourself on track and hold yourself accountable. It’s easy for the year to fly by and suddenly it’s October and you can’t even remember what your resolutions are. When you work out your action plan and decide on how you’re going to break it up, give yourself a deadline to accomplish each part, and set a reminder to keep yourself going.

7. Review

I review my goals every three months, I look at where I am, where I planned to be, what’s working and what is not. And with all of that I decide on if and what changes I can make to adjust for a successful outcome. I don’t only do this with resolutions and goals, I do this in general. I take a day on the first Saturday of March, June, September and December to look at how I’m progressing in everything I am doing. (I actually plan to take this action more seriously this year, because December this past year, I went and ate a cheese burger, looked at my list of things I’m doing and crossed off and noted what I had accomplished and a few to-dos).

8. Don’t Give Up

Above everything and anything else, DO. NOT. GIVE. UP! Keep working until you have what you want. Even if you find yourself falling behind, take the chance to review and re-approach what you’re doing, something it can be your resolution itself needs changed. I can’t tell you how many times my goals have changed over time and I needed to redirect myself to something else.

Some Other Notes/Ideas to Think About

  • Reward Yourself
  • Make an Inspiration or Vision Board

While none of my goals above are “new”, I’ve decided to keep stealing from my 101 Things Project to achieve that rather than try adding something more.


Hello Bujo: An Intro to Bullet Journaling

Planner peace. Analog planning. Creativity. Lists. Creative planning. Organization. Notebook. Inspiration. To-do. Freedom.

Do any of theses words set a spark in your brain? If so, then bullet journaling may just be your thing. I discovered “bullet journaling” was an actual thing about 6 months ago, while I used this system (loosely) for years, learning how to optimize it, customization and creative freedom in included has only made my love for it greater.

I’ve been trying to write this post for a few months now, but there was always something missing and I got lost in my own excitement and wandering mind – but I think I’ve got it down this time. This is part one of Oh Midori! Hello BuJo! I will post the other half tomorrow! So let’s begin, yes?

What is Bullet Journaling?

The Bullet Journal is a customizable and forgiving organization system. It can be your to-do list, sketchbook, notebook, and diary, but most likely, it will be all of the above. It will teach you to do more with less.

That is the very best description of it – it is whatever you desire it to be. For me, it truly is all of those – lesser of a diary, more of my daily planner. It includes everything – my schedule, my families, this blog, my business, ideas and inspiration, bucketlist, goals, local events, vacation & event planning – on and on.

Here are a few things bullet journaling has been for me:

  1. It is the single most organizational creative thing to have entered my life
  2. It’s more than just a planner or notebook, it’s (to me) a lifestyle.
  3. It has actually given me peace of mind – especially in things such as scheduling and time management, creativity and artwork, making time for myself, habits and goal planning/achieving, making sense of my messy work life and so, so much more!


What Do I Need?

The best part? All you honestly need is a notebook and a pen(cil). For two dollars you can start your own BuJo today! I also recommend a ruler. Still around a $2 investment, and I wish I would’ve bought one sooner!

What Do I Put In It?

Everything – whatever you want (see how this works? one of the few times in life  you really can have whatever you want!)

It seems boring and bland and easily replaced by flashier starches like couscous and black forbidden rice, but the potato is special not for what it is but it what it can become. Tell couscous to turn into a French fry, and we’ll talk. Until then, the potato is king simply because it can be whatever you want it to be.


  • Index: A BuJo isn’t like other planners – you decide the set up and lay out, so if you only need/want one page to cover the month, do it. If you want a page a day, go for it.
    Weekly BuJo Layout

    The thing is, adding an index can help you find where you left something, rather than flipping through pages to try and find it. This is a bit of the key to organization.

  • Future Log: What’s going on in your future? Birthday, anniversaries, special events/vacations? Something further out, but still should be written down somewhere? Add that here.
  • Monthly Log: Write down what you’ve got going on this month.
  • Weeklies/Dailies: A weekly/daily layout to write down anything you’ve got going on, reminders, to-do list, etc. (For example: I automatically include: work schedule, to-dos/tasks I want to accomplish, any appointments I have scheduled, etc. Then I can cross it off, add new things, ideas, doodles, confirmation numbers when I pay bills, etc.)
  • Key/Signifiers: Signifiers are symbols to represent something (i.e. a square for a to-do, an exclamation for important or a light-bulb for an idea.)  The idea is you can glance a page, see these signifiers and quickly find what you are looking for. There is no right or wrong way to use a key, use what works for you. I’ve seen 936+ different keys and signifer combinations. USE WHAT WORKS FOR YOU!


Oh the extras, all the fun, frilly and fabulous things to add to your BuJo. Like mentioned, a BuJo is more than just a planner if you choose, it’s your life in a notebook.

  • Collections: oh, where I even begin with collections? Collections are a list of ideas/things to do/etc. in your BuJo – you simply create a new page to give it a topic. (i.e. place to go, books to read, favorite websites, gratitude journal, brain dump, so on and so forth.)
  • Challenges: okay, so these are technically collections, but there are so many awesome BuJo related challenges I wanted to emphasize: PTLdoodles, DNDchallenge, PlanWithMeChallenge
  • Trackers: still kinda collections, I add them to my weekly pages. I also have one for
    bujo tracker for project 366
    Project 366 BuJo Tracker

    my project 366 and weight loss. They can be habits you want to form or keeping track of daily tasks (i.e. no spend, healthy eating, weight loss, daily projects, drinking enough water, etc.)

  • Accessories & Supplies: I said all you needed was a notebook and pen(cil), and recommended a ruler to get started, and that is true! But later or even now, maybe you’ll find yourself wanting to add a bit more of your own personal pizzazz and flair, in which case, these things are great for just that: colored pen(cil)s, highlighters/markers, washi tape, stencils, higher end notebooks, etc.


But, Why Should I BuJo?

Why? Because it’s fun, awesome, creative and perfect!? But furthermore, in this digital age where there are umpteen organization and planning apps available at the tap of a finger on our phones – why analog? Why choose something more complex over something so easily and readily available?

  • J.K. Rowling created the Harry Potter series on napkins.
  • Writing things down can help you in remembering them later.
  • Visualization. Being able to cross something off a list is much more satisfying


You have entire community of bujo-ers out there across an array of social media platforms. Some places to begin, find inspiration and get started are:

I don’t think anybody will ever know every aspect, tip or trick related to using a bullet journal – it’s too broad of an idea to use, so use it to the best way that works for you. Maybe bullet journaling isn’t for you, but then again, maybe it is!

Some other great blogs to check out:


Do you BuJo? Or wanting to start? Have any tips for beginners? I’d love to hear (or see pictures of yours!) in the comments!

to see how I use my BuJo stop back by tomorrow!

5 Things That Digitally Save Me

I am very much a paper and pencil type of gal, so much that I literally write all my content on paper before I even touch a keyboard.


     Though, however much I may be that gal, this is still a very busy and very digital world. And in this world, there are 5 key things that digitally keep me going!

Continue reading “5 Things That Digitally Save Me”